There are many other places writers and literature fans can visit in America, including New Orleans and Key West. The above places should suffice to get you to a place with a feel of literary greatness. Feel free to find other places to visit if you love books.
Books are a great source of knowledge, entertainment, and insight. Literacy is one of the most common forms of intelligence known to man.
On a visit to John Steinbeck’s birthplace and childhood home, you can have lunch in his Victorian house, which is now a restaurant. The National Steinbeck Center is only a short distance away, where you can see more of his works.

Monterey & Salinas, California

Mark Twain spent some of his most prosperous and joyous moments in that house before he and his family faced some economic woes and had to move to Europe.
Every fan of literature, particularly Southern literature, should make a trip to Savannah, Georgia. The home in which Flannery O’Connor grew up has been restored to Georgian fashion to give visitors an accurate representation of when O’Connor lived there in his early days.
John Steinbeck is one of the most famous literary personalities in America. His works include fantastic descriptions of the California landscape.

Long Island, New York

American writers don’t get any better than Mark Twain. Every writer and fan of literature should make the journey to see Mark Twain’s House and Museum in Hartford, Connecticut.
The house is also a museum, so there is plenty to see and appreciate about the era and the great writer it produced.
Literary pilgrims used to be common in the past, but they are now only done by literature lovers. If you do love literature, there are several places you can visit in the USA to increase your appreciation of literature, including:
A lot of important historical events happened in Savannah, Georgia. One of them is famous American writer Flannery O’Connor was born and grew up in the city.

Savannah, Georgia

The coast on which the house stands has changed tremendously since the roaring twenties, but there are still elements that you will recognize. Moreover, there is a Great Gatsby boat tour that should give you a comprehensive view of the peninsula and the mansions in the book.
To Kill a Mockingbird is an American classic and one of the most popular books in the world. Its description of Alabama and the state’s way of life are so clear as to be etched in memory forever.
Though the book by Harper Lee is based in Maycomb, visiting |Monroeville is the closest thing a Harper Lee fan can get to the book. The courthouse that Lee visited is in Monroeville and close to where he grew up, so you will get a feel for the literary giant’s life.

Monroeville, Alabama

One of the things to do in Monterey is to visit John Steinbeck’s childhood home. You will get a view of the scenery that he described so vividly and eloquently. Though much has changed since John Steinbeck wrote his famous books, much has remained the same.
If you have ever wondered what a home where great literary works were produced feels like, Mark Twain’s house in Connecticut is the place to go.

Hartford, Connecticut

New York has been home to some of the most famous writers over the ages. None of them is as iconic as F. Scott. Fitzgerald. One of the best things to do in New York is visit his home.
People today don’t read books as much as previous generations because of the introduction of other mediums. However, books remain as valuable as they have ever been.

Though Fitzgerald lived all over the country, including Alabama, Minnesota, and Montgomery, New York is where he wrote his best work, The Great Gatsby. The house where he wrote the American classic still stands, but it is privately owned, so you cannot tour it.

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