Finally… and this is one for the books, Stay Away from the MiniBar!
Traveling is an expensive hobby. That’s not news. Not to me. I love traveling as much as I can, or rather as much as my bank account will allow me. But sometimes it is difficult to resist the temptation to pawn my car title just to get some extra dough to burn while on holiday. However, it is possible to be frugal on a vacation and still have a good time. Here are a few money saving travel tips that you can use while you are planning the vacation as well as during it.
If you follow just one tip from this list, make this it. Everything is more expensive during peak tourist season, so try to plan your trip early on in the season, or right at the end. Better yet, go off season! It is a simple question of supply and demand. You can save a fortune on accommodation when there are no other tourists.
AirBnB Both Ends
Eat Smart.
You don’t need to buy a souvenir for everyone you know, or even for yourself. Take pictures, enjoy your time, and ease up on the I-Heart-Destination merchandise. Limit yourself to one meaningful souvenir per place you visit.
Vacations usually cost a lot of money. Even if you don’t factor in airplane tickets or hotel costs, when you are in a holiday mood, you generally tend to splurge more, at least I do. Being in a new place brings out my inner adventurer and I want to cram in as many experiences as I possibly can.
Airline flights tend to be cheapest on hump day aka Wednesday. Flights on or around the weekend are more expensive. To get better deals on your airline tickets, choose flights that are early in the morning or late at night as they also tend to be cheaper.
Everything is Cheaper Off Season
Fly On Hump Day and Odd Times
Food is one of the biggest drains on your finances during a holiday. You can however, minimize the drain while enjoying great food. Most hotels have a buffet breakfast inclusive option. If you work it out, the extra money you pay for that package, pays for itself if you use it smartly. Make the most of the breakfast spread and fill up before heading out for the day. Also, after the big breakfast, aim for a late lunch instead of a fancy dinner as most restaurants offer lunch dishes at lower prices than dinner. When out and about, try the local cuisine as it can often be cheaper and more delicious. Western fast food will always cost more.
You can offset your vacation expenses by renting out your place while you are away. If you live in a nice place and are not traveling to an expensive location, you can even make a little bit of profit using this technique. AirBnB tend to be cheaper than hotels, while providing more space, amenities, and a chance to experience local culture more closely, and if you can find a reasonably priced place to stay at, you’re gold! Top tip, look for Airbnb Superhosts as they are the ones with the highest ratings.
Ease up on the Souvenirs

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