If you do decide to eat out for a meal or two, avoid the expensive dinner menus. Instead, opt for lunch specials and happy hour cocktails.

1. Research Inexpensive Airfare

Some hostels are also known for loud parties. If you are a light sleeper or just prefer quiet time, read reviews to find out which hostels fit your needs.
You no longer have to travel thousands of miles to earn rewards points from airlines. Many are now switching to revenue-based programs that collect points based on how much the user spends. Best of all, these programs are completely free. You could even earn bonus points by signing up for a rewards credit card. Many hotel chains offer similar rewards programs, as well.
You may think that travel is a luxury that only upper-class folks can enjoy. However, this is not the case. Even if you are not wealthy, you can still afford a nice vacation to a dream destination. Here are five tips that will help you cheaply explore the world.
When you are traveling, it is tempting to sample all of the famous restaurants that your vacation destination has to offer. However, this can quickly get expensive. You can save a lot of money simply by eating in your hotel room each night.

2. Use Rewards Points

After doing this extra work to find a cheap flight, you do not want to waste all the money you saved on baggage fees. Limit how many clothes you pack, and fit as much as you can into a carry-on bag.
Do not let your bank account stop you from pursuing your dream vacation. Following the above suggestions should help you afford an incredible trip.
You do not have to stay in a hotel during your trip, especially if you plan to visit multiple cities or countries. Instead, you can use a website such as Couchsurfing, which lets you find free couches and beds on which to sleep. You could also consider staying in the home of a friend or family member who lives in your destination.
You should also look for a hotel that includes a kitchen. If you cannot find one,  or if you will be eating on the go, you can turn your newly purchased groceries into portable salads and sandwiches.
Many attractions offer discounts for youths and teachers. You should thus bring any student or teacher identifications with you on your vacation. Even if you graduated a year or two ago, you may be able to use your old college ID – as long as it does not have an expiration date. Travelers of all ages, meanwhile, should consider getting a city tourism card that offers free or discounted access to attractions and public transportation.
Flights are typically the most expensive part of a vacation. Luckily, it is also fairly easy to save money on a flight.

4. Find Cheap or Free Accommodations

If you do not mind sleeping in dorm-style rooms with strangers, hostels are another great option. Hostels are fairly cheap, with the larger ones costing the least amount of money. Just be sure to bring earplugs in case you have to room with snorers! 
Remember that larger cities also usually have multiple airports. Research the different airlines that stop at each airport. You can then use Expedia or a similar website to compare the airfares.
3. Cook for Yourself

5. Use Discount Cards

After all, it doesn’t really matter which airline you choose for your Italy cruise or Asia tour. You can thus make your flight decision based primarily on cost. Search online for the cheapest flights available. You may have to slightly adjust your arrival or departure date/time to get the best deal.
When you arrive in your destination, head to the grocery store and pick up enough food to sustain you for the duration of your trip. You should still be able to find some local delicacies, and they will cost much less than they would at a restaurant.

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