Which type of artificial intelligence are you currently working with? Let us know in the comments section below.
Other Types of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial narrow intelligence cannot fully replicate human intelligence but it can simulate human behavior by looking at contexts and narrow sets of parameters. With the advancement in machine learning and deep learning, we have seen artificial narrow intelligence evolve drastically over the years. We have reached a point where AI is being used to diagnose and treat cancer.  Mobile app development company in Dallas also use this type of AI to create apps that offer personalized recommendation to users.

  1. Artificial General intelligence

AI researchers are trying to create models of inner speech which could allow existing computation tools to give robots the level of self awareness which can help them to act like humans in different situations. It is still unclear whether AI systems possessing self awareness capabilities will work in conjunction with humans or work independently. Only time will tell whether we see self aware AI systems could coexist with humans or not. Experts are still divided on this issue which is why it is hard to say anything with conviction.
Another form of artificial intelligence is self aware AI. You might have seen them in movies where they destroy humans. Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking has already warned us about AI reaching the self awareness stage and taking over our planet. 

  1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence

Artificial Super intelligence is a hypothetical concept in which machines can not only understand emotions and behavior but are also self-aware. In fact, they can also surpass human intelligence. You might have seen shades of it in science fiction movies, which shows robots ruling over the world and making the human race slave. 
Some of the examples of artificial narrow intelligence includes:
Just like reactive machines, limited memory machines rely on historical data for making decisions. This type of AI system leverages deep learning algorithms and stores large datasets in their memory. This allows them to create a model which can be used as a reference for resolving latest issues. The best example of limited memory could be an AI system used to recognize images . It not only identifies but also labels elements present in a single image. Since they are trained from data sets in the past, their previously trained datasets enable them to match images and find different elements in the single image.

  • Voice assistants such as Apple Siri, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa
  • Facial Recognition software
  • Social media monitoring tools
  • Email spam filters
  • Self-driving cars
  1. Artificial Super intelligence

Also known as strong AI and deep AI, artificial general intelligence enables machines to apply knowledge in different contexts. According to Muneeb Qadar Siddiqui – digital brand &custom software development specialist,this facilitates self-learning and comes close to replicating human intelligence. In addition to this, it also gives machines problem solving capabilities. This brings them in direct competition to humans, as they can perform any task which requires intelligence and thinking.
Types of Artificial Intelligence Based On Technology
There are two major types of awareness

  1. Reactive Machines

For artificial general intelligence to work, AI developers will not only have to make machine conscious but they also have to program all the cognitive abilities to perform actions just like humans do. Moreover, they will also have to make machines understand the needs, emotions and beliefs of other intelligence entities such as humans or other machines around them.

  1. Self Aware AI

Even though theory of mind is still a concept but we can see it materialize in future. It is an advanced technology which allows machines to understand human behavior and feeling at a deeper level. Due to this, it can sift through human thoughts, emotions and sentiments. One of the best examples of theory of mind is Kismet. The machine was designed in the late 1990s, and was able to replicate human emotions and recognize them.
That is not all, superintelligence also does everything better than humans whether it is maths, science, sports or art. It not only possesses better and faster memory but can also process and analyze data faster than a human brain could ever do. What this means is that it gives artificial super intelligence a clear advantage over humans when it comes to decision making.

  • Awareness from experience
  • Awareness from self monitoring

Artificial intelligence can be divided into three types

  1. Theory of Mind

Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is one of the most common types of artificial intelligence. Just like its name suggests, artificial narrow intelligence has limited capabilities. Artificial narrow intelligence is usually focused on a single task and goal centric. Since they are designed for a specific purpose, artificial narrow intelligence can do a much better job at it. On the flip side, this also means that you can not use it for general purpose applications. 

  1. Limited Memory

Artificial intelligence has left a lasting impression on every facet of our lives. That is why it has become one of the most popular buzzwords. Despite this, many people don’t know much about what artificial intelligence really is and what are different types of artificial intelligence. How does each type impact your business? If you want to know the answer to all these questions, then you are at the right place. In this article, you will learn about seven different types of artificial intelligence and how it can impact your business.
This type of AI system analyzes their surroundings and reacts to whatever comes their way. It does not have memory to fall back on or past experience to rely on just like humans do. One of the best examples of reactive machines was Deep Blue. It is a chess playing supercomputer developed by IBM which defeated Grandmaster Garry Kasparov in 1997. It was one of the major breakthroughs as the supercomputer did not watch any previous matches or had any dataset to analyze and learn from and still it managed to beat humans in a chess game.

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