Boyden Cavern is located down at the bottom of Kings Canyon, and it is a good drive to get all the way to the cave itself. I would recommend adding a few other things to your trip, like a visit to Grizzly Falls and Roaring River Falls since the drive down is a long one. That being said, it is one of my favorite drives in California, and it is beautiful. Once you get down into the canyon, you will see signs for Boyden Cavern almost immediately. There is a good size parking lot near where you check in.

Eventually, the exit comes into view, and you will have to leave the cave back to the real world. I think we were spoiled with the private tour, but it was an incredible experience that both my mom and I have been talking about for weeks.

Here is a video I made from my last visit to the cavern.

The cave here is actually pretty adventurous, and there are lots of areas where you will really need to bend over not to hit your head.

This was such a cool experience and something I will never forget. The water was at least a foot deep in some sections (we brought Crocs just for this part of the tour).
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