Good travel content will not happen without good photography. A professional camera is not a must, because modern smartphones are capable of making decent quality videos and photos. For example, the latest iPhone models can record videos in 4K resolution. Along with the quality provided by your device, you must learn to use it at the max, so your materials are impressive and stand out from other niche influencers.
By being honest with your audience, you definitely win their appreciation and loyalty.

Choose Good Username

To get the best result, it will be smart to narrow down the range of topics that you cover in your blog. Being more particular about the choice of materials helps to hit the right target audience and make your blog look organized and neat. Such features are very pleasant to people, and your profile will achieve more engagement.
You can add up to 30 hashtags to your text box, and it makes the task easier because you would have enough space for adding general terms, and more concrete words, that relate to the region or specifics of your blog.

Define Your Specialty

Instagram is an incredibly dynamic platform to develop your travel blog. Here you can focus on visuals, sharing your vision with a like-minded crowd. But remember that the ground rule for success on this platform is consistency and a permanent online presence. Users will appreciate your passion and devotion, but they will require top-notch quality of your content as well. Growing on Instagram is a constant process. There is always a new goal to reach and new audiences to please, so get ready for a long road, with transformations and twists, where you have to stay close to your original niche and purpose.
The key to winning the love of many people is to show what they can relate to. And, let’s face it, it would be impossible to provide high-quality content about travels if you are sitting at home! So, pack your suitcase and go! You can explore local areas for starters, building up your experience step by step. Your way from small excursions to grand tours to faraway lands is also a nice example people would like to follow – motivation is a great engagement gainer too.

Use Real Experience

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Another key characteristic that will certainly drive attention to your blog is how you show yourself. Any blog on Instagram is a reflection of your personality. Hence, you must expose it to the best. But don’t try to make it look better than it is. Unlike common opinion, it is quite easy for users to understand what is true and what is not. So don’t try to be someone you are not. It is much more effective for your growth if you will show your real self because that’s what is so magnetic about social media influencers. People want to see real people, and many users are tired of a neat and smooth picture that has no connection to reality. Scandals around popular influencers flare up now and then, with one reason – lies and pretending.

Demonstrate Attractive Personality

On Instagram, you can mark your location, and this feature is also very important as you grow a blog. With the geotag you can make yourself discoverable for the local audience, who, obviously, would be more interested in following you. Geotags are also a useful instrument for collaborations with different businesses, like hotels, cafes, restaurants, etc. Geotagging assists to reach specific audiences and provides visibility as well as hashtags do.
Lots of people are interested in traveling, but presenting a special category of this wide theme is a chance to get better stats, as you will attract more interested people. For example, you can become a local food expert, or museum reviewer – anything that is interesting to you and what excites you. And it’s not about limiting yourself, but only by setting the right accents in your profile, while general topics are flowing in the background as a nice addition to the main focus.

Increase Your Visibility On The Platform

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Anyway, a username is an instrument to represent your personality, and that’s your biggest hook on Instagram – there are thousands and thousands of travel blogs nowadays, so you need to show your potential audience how distinct you are from the others.
Another fine skill to achieve is to learn how to improve your photos without losing quality and create original, juicy and attractive pictures with the help of editorial software, like Prequel, VSCO, or Adobe Lightroom. These apps are available for android and iOS, so you can easily transfer your settings across all your devices, securing a consistent look for your content.

Add Geotags Too

Of course, it will be hard at first. Traveling is quite expensive, so you must have a certain sum of money to rely on, as well as work swiftly to grow on Instagram, so your budgets would increase, providing the opportunity to go further. Or at least you should secure the opportunity to work remotely, to combine your blog activity and money-making, while blogging isn’t profitable for you.
Long before you will dive into the sea of different marketing hacks, you should think about your profile name. That’s vital because you have to be recognized and easy to remember, as well as hint at what your profile is about. However, changing your name to a different one from the blog name is also a good idea, depending on the type of content you create.

Improve Your Visuals

Luckily, you can visit classes and workshops, dedicated to mobile photography. This will be one of the best investments for your blog because you will learn to shoot incredible pictures on the go.
Nowadays, the most successful blogs are grown on social platforms, like Instagram or YouTube. And with YouTube it’s simple – you make videos and upload them to the network. But Instagram is a more complicated app, that offers multiple kinds of content to share, and is rather crowded in most niches. So how does one squeeze in the competition and promote a travel blog on Instagram? The key is to use the main features of this service, in order to buy the attention of the real audience and get 50 Instagram likes in a blink of an eye. Here are some effective tips for your growth on this dynamic platform.

Be Active User Yourself

On Instagram your main instrument for reaching more people is hashtags. This is a precious feature to rely on, especially since users can subscribe to hashtags too. For you, this fact means that your post can appear before the eyes of your potential subscribers. So you must examine the industry closely, to find out which hashtags would be the most relevant for your blog, and implement the terms not only as hashtags but try to squeeze them in as keywords too. Use your texts as an additional tool that helps the audience to discover you.

  • This is your best friend! This sticker works for both sides – you can collect the answers to your question, or reply to the questions you received.
  • This way you can find out the preferences of your audience and redirect your efforts to the right vector.
  • This is a fun game that will enclose you and your followers, as well as help you to collect more data about them to use in your strategy.


To keep the connection with your audience (for the sake of better engagement) you have to be fluent in current trends on the platform, and spend enough time online, to provide decent communication. Instagram offers many activities that allow you to communicate with your public effectively, mostly through stories. Commenting and replying to comments is a basic function on Instagram, so let’s discover more about stories stickers that will secure the activity on your profile:

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