Book a window seat if you want to sleep comfortably on the flight. You won’t be disturbed by the activity in the aisle.
Be prepared for a difference in the time zones when traveling overseas.
When you’re holidaying, it’s easy to compromise with sleep because of all the excitement.
Plan your travel route to support good sleep.
What we eat and drink throughout the day affects our sleep considerably. You’ll be able to sleep much better if you avoid oily or spicy meals and drink lots of water during the day.
Stay Organized While Traveling
It should be an exception, not the rule.
Also, never make the mistake of hanging out at the airport or the train station for the night. Take a hotel room nearby, even if it’s only for 4-5 hours.
Just like a security blanket helps a kid to sleep comfortably in new environments, familiar sleeping props can ease things for adults too.
Prepare To Fight Jet Lag
Dress Comfortably
Our sleep cycles get disrupted during travel often because we neglect diet and hydration on vacations.
When your mind and body are relaxed, it will be easier to doze off.
But trust us, it’s so much better to sleep well and enjoy the holiday with great energy.
You can also get a watch set to multiple time zones so that it’s easier for you to work your schedule around.
Try to get back to the hotel at least a couple of hours before bedtime, so that you have enough time to put your feet up and get comfortable.
Travel Sleep Kit
Adjust your waking and sleeping times according to the new time zone at least a week in advance. Daily adjustments won’t be stressful for your body.
Comfortable clothing is essential for good sleep. Don’t forget to pack your favorite PJs when you’re out traveling.
If you’re going to sleep on the flight, bring your change of clothes in the carry-on luggage. Also, carry a warm scarf or blanket to feel cozy when the in-flight temperature gets too cold.
Keep an eye mask, ear plugs, headphones, and a comfortable travel pillow in the kit. Include your prescription sleep medicine and over-the-counter pain medication too.
That’s why we’ve compiled some exclusive tips to help you get the quality sleep you deserve, especially on your vacation.
Our number one tip for anxious travelers is to get organized for changes in your routine due to travel. Organize your itinerary and your luggage to feel in control and comfortable even when everything around you is new.
If you suffer from sleep bruxism, travel anxiety may trigger symptoms of teeth grinding and jaw clenching in sleep. Pack a night guard in the travel sleep kit to ensure uninterrupted sleep. Smile Brilliant’s custom-fitted night guards come in travel-friendly cases and are very convenient to pack.
Don’t book an overnight flight or bus if you’re comfortable sleeping on a recliner seat.
Take Out Time To Sleep
Pay Attention To Diet And Hydration
Follow our tips on your next vacation, and you’ll know what difference good sleep makes to the trip.
Vacations are exciting. It’s natural to get smitten by new adventures and neglect sleep.
Don’t tire yourself to exhaustion. You’d think you could just crash in bed at the end of the day. But sleep doesn’t come easily in a new environment, especially when you’re exhausted.
These tips will help you prevent getting jet-lagged.
Create A Familiar Environment
Consider packing your regular pillow or blanket. You’ll be able to feel at home and fall asleep within minutes.
Clear out every little detail with the hotel management in advance, from the reservation to the kind of mattress they provide. If you’re out on a luxury holiday, book a spa for the day you arrive to recover from the travel fatigue.
It’s a good idea to create a travel sleep kit for those occasions when you’ve got to spend the night on the flight or a bus.
Unfortunately, most of the time we also get back home exhausted, not rejuvenated.

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