Try Something New
Little Gestures Go a Long Way
When you feel the romance and intimacy have left your relationship, start with something like how you greet and depart from each other. Before starting your routine, rollover, kiss, hug, or simply say good morning when you get up in the morning. When you leave the house, don’t forget to express your love. This simple step can help you to feel acknowledged, loved, and more connected than ever before. 
It’s nice to fantasize about the romantic relationships you see on television and movie screens, but the reality is that most relationships don’t happen that way. When you’ve been committed to the same person for years, things are bound to become stagnant. The best thing you guys can do for your relationship and your family is to consider the ideas above to reignite the flame and improve your marriage.  
Express Your Desires
When is the last time the two of you have been alone on vacation? If it’s been a while, perhaps this is the answer to your romance and intimacy issues. Whether it’s an overnight stay at a nearby hotel or a weekend getaway to your favorite beach destination, it’s essential to get away from your other responsibilities and just connect. 
As the years go by in your marriage, you and your partner’s desires, passions, and needs change. You can resolve this problem by switching things up and trying something new. Instead of going out to the same local restaurant for dinner, find a nightclub where you can listen to a live band, dance, enjoy drinks, and eat. If the intimacy issue is in the bedroom, try a new position, or consider things like an anal training kit to explore new areas of your body. Sometimes, the excitement from your newfound spontaneity can give your relationship the intimacy boost it needs. 
Sometimes, all a person wants to know is that their spouse desires them. While your busy schedules might prevent you from expressing yourself physically, there are other ways to show just how much you want your partner. Your partner would light up to receive a text message that says how sexy they are or a phone call in the middle of the day just to say they were on your mind. Go old-school and slip them a romantic letter in a pocket or lunch. These words can revitalize so many romantic feelings you have for one another. 
It doesn’t take long to realize that every day in your marriage won’t be romantic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring a bit of the magic into your reality. The simplest gestures can go a long way to restoring intimacy between you and your spouse. Why not grab a box of chocolates or a few long-stem roses if you know it will brighten up their day? Husbands, chivalry can be practiced during date nights to make your lady feel special. Wives, why not give your man a massage after a long work week? It’s the small things that often spark powerful feelings of intimacy within your marriage. While you can’t do it all the time, throwing in a few kind gestures on occasion can go a long way. 
Take a Trip
Positive Greetings and Departures
Sitcoms and romantic movies are fun for entertainment. They’re funny, enchanting, and even inspiring, but they depict a sense of romance and intimacy that isn’t realistic. Though it would be wonderful to be head over heels for your significant other at all times and to live the rest of your life in bliss, marriages are different. When you’ve been with someone for a while, those cute, sappy, and over-the-top feelings and romantic gestures tend to fade. 
You get married, you purchase a home, you have children, you pursue careers, and you go through the ups and downs of life. Eventually, navigating everyday life reduces the amount of time and energy you dedicate to your marriage. You grow apart, you change, time passes, and before you know it, you’re longing for that romance and intimacy you once had. 
Fortunately, there are things you can do to ignite the flames of your love once again. Check out these tips below. 

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