Typically it happened when we were not paying attention. As I had heard from other people’s tales, it happens so quickly, as if you have seen a ghost. Despite walking with small and dainty steps, they are quick – they know that everyone wants a glimpse of them.

It’s a dream to see a Geisha in Kyoto, Japan. Mysterious and elusive; a remnant of time-worn tradition and exquisite beauty.
Wandering the streets of Gion, the narrow streets and side alleys ways were inviting in their subdued orange glow – igniting a well-known district in a layer of mystery. Blood-red lanterns with their pretty dove patterns marked out traditional teahouses, restaurants buzzed with the low hum of customers, and the laughter of businesspeople echoed in the secretive air. All of which whispered nothing, except curiosity in a place where you wandered slowly and paused in the hope of a sighting, before moving on.
Listen and peer into the cracks of the doors down the small, off-the-path alleyways – you never know what might be on the other side. One reader told me that’s how she got lucky with her Geisha spotting.

The main sightings are of them getting out of a taxi or walking the short way directly to the teahouse.
The Miyako Odori hosts daily dance performances by Maiko for around 11,000 yen (around £80). They were pricey, but I preferred being on the lookout to see them in their natural setting.
The brief eye contact through the delicate face of white; the elaborate design and bold colour of the robe which moved only in time with the elegance of the small, rapid steps; the unmistakable sound of the wooden shoes hitting the cobbled stones in a composed rhythm. In the electric atmosphere, I was transfixed as I eagerly followed, mesmerised by a figure whose company is only for the invited.
In Japan, to See Geisha in Kyoto within the old streets of Gion is a special sight. Here’s how you can see this renowned and beautiful figure.

And there she was. Gion is now a mish-mash of old narrow alleyways and a modern shopping district with a whole host of department stores. Two areas remain the main hubs where the Geisha work – the little and mysterious lantern-lit street of Pontocho-Dori to the west of the river and Hanamikoll-Dori on the opposite side, near to the beautifully preserved Shimbashi Street.

The Culture of Geisha in Kyoto

Whether you have a vested interest in seeing one of these notable entertainers or not, it’s an insight into a renowned and preserved Japanese tradition that creates as much of a mysterious culture for us as it does for the people they entertain.
Geisha typically have more subdued and less elaborate clothing, hair and makeup. In contrast, Maiko are more colourful and bold – the robe is usually patterned, and hangs low at the nape of the neck. The obi (the waist tie decoration) usually is more embellished and long, sometimes hanging as low as the ankles. They are striking and not easily missed. I even saw one from the back during the day in a local neighbourhood, except when she turned around, she had no makeup on.
I scrambled with my camera settings, knowing I only had a matter of seconds to capture my childhood dream of seeing such a respected figure in person as the door opened and the sound of the raucous crowd emerged. Before realising what was happening, and snapping out of awe, the door slammed shut, and the sound of the awaiting audience was muted.
And she was gone. 
I was obsessed with visiting Gion since my early teens after reading Memoirs of Geisha more than once. It was a world and culture I could only imagine, and since a young age, Japan was a faraway land that I had only dreamt of. As much as I loved Tokyo, I was more excited about Kyoto, and one of the first things I asked when I arrived at my hostel was: “Where can I see Geisha?” They will, of course, tell you what they know.
But you will never forget the moment.

The Geisha of Gion

Seeing a Geisha, or in this case, a Maiko, made my time in Kyoto. Not only was it a dream come true, but the electric atmosphere the Maiko’s presence created was something that will stay with me always.
I was also informed that the small temples and shrines in this area are where the majority of Geisha go to pray before work, and many have been spotted here in full makeup and outfit.
Some begin their daily training at a very early age, while others enter the profession later in life. Either way, you train for life unless you leave your Okiya – where you live, train and are indebted to under contract.
Stand for 20 minutes, wander within a small perimeter of the street and be patient. It may just happen, especially if you can sense an atmosphere.
During Obon, the annual Buddhist event commemorating one’s ancestors, Geisha and Maiko do not work. Therefore, travelling to Gion during these dates means seeing Geisha is a potential failure. Obon is an annual Buddhist event commemorating one’s ancestors via the lighting of lanterns and usually takes place in mid-August in Japan. It’s best to check with your guesthouse owners and other locals if any other festival or commemorative event else is taking place while you are there.

Top Tips on How You Can See a Geisha in Kyoto

What is the Best Time to Spot a Maiko or Geisha in Kyoto?

Hired to attend parties and private gatherings at ochaya (teahouses) and ryōtei (traditional Japanese restaurants), no one knows where a Geisha will get the call to work, and the exclusivity of their company means they are not a common sight. Not only do you have to pay the equivalent of hundreds or even thousands of dollars but, in many cases, another person must invite you.

Where is the Best Area of Gion to See Geisha?

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Therefore, to behold one within the old streets of the ‘Geisha District’ of Gion in Kyoto as they make their way to work is an extraordinary sight indeed.
Kyoto is a place identified not only with the ‘old’ Japan and UNESCO World Heritage temples but also with the most beautiful and revered entertainer of all – the Geisha. 

Linger in One Spot

If you think you can stop one to ask for a photo with them, think again. I’ve heard of that happening ONCE. The Geisha will be out of sight before you’ve even had the chance to adjust your camera settings and pick your jaw up off the floor.

Don’t Overlook the Cracks in the Walls

How to See a Geisha in Kyoto, Japan – A Swift Moment of Passing.

Go to a Maiko Tourist Performance

A Geisha in Kyoto, Japan, wearing a pink robe with a green back sash.

Know the Difference Between a Geisha and a Maiko

A local told me that Geisha and Maiko start work as early as 8 pm, although the consensus was that anywhere from 10 pm – 11 pm would give you a higher chance of an appearance.

When Am I Most Unlikely to See a Geisha?

My first attempt was to try in the early evening after 8 pm, where I wandered for approximately one hour and a half with no result. I covered a lot of ground, and there was no hint of an appearance. On the second night, I asked my friends, who had just arrived in Kyoto that day, if they would like to try and see a Geisha, and they were more than happy to join in, this time concentrating on one main street next to the river after 10 pm.
“Look behind you, now” I heard, as I was leisurely photographing the old wooden houses which stand as the preservation of ancient Japan. I longed to see what was behind them and what tales they could tell.
A centuries-old form of entertainment, Geisha and Maiko (the apprentice Geisha) are performing artists in Japan held in high esteem – female entertainers who are not only hostesses but also classical musicians and dancers.

Related Tours and Experiences in Kyoto

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Seeing Geisha in the district of Gion is not guaranteed. If you are successful with a sighting, it will most likely be that of a Maiko. Many local people told me: “You have to be very lucky to see a Maiko, and even more so to see Geisha,” and that’s the truth.

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