Renting out your home will allow you to make passive income while you travel, and you’ll have a tenant on location paying off your mortgage. Depending on how much you earn, you could travel forever without having to work on the road. Plus, you’ll always have a place to return to.

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If you want to live in your home part-time, you can rent out the space to students. When they leave, you can settle back in immediately, especially if your furniture is still in the home.

Sell Your Home

If the cons outweigh the pros of selling your home, consider renting it out instead.

Pros of Selling Your Home

Before renting out your condo, you need to check with building rules because they often keep a maximum number of units that can be rented out. If they’re at their limit, you’ll have to sell it. You also have to consider the possibility that your renters won’t pay their rent or utilities.
What’s more, you need to hire a property manager that can take care of your home and your renters, which can be expensive. The taxes on your rental property are even more pricey, but nothing may be more emotionally taxing than allowing a stranger to live in your home.
Deciding to sell your home isn’t easy. However, selling your home can offer you peace of mind because you won’t have to worry about mortgage payments or other repair issues and fees. 

Cons of Selling Your Home

As another positive, selling your home will leave you flushed with cash. Having an extra 0,000 to ,000,000 + in savings will allow you to experience your trip in a way you otherwise wouldn’t be able to. If you can sell your furniture and appliances, even better.

Rent Out Your Home

Our homes are very sentimental to us, so you may consider keeping your home without renting.

Pros of Renting Out Your Home

Selling your home isn’t all positive, depending on your situation. You could lose money if the market is down, and you’ll have to stay in your city while the house is being sold. This could take months, even years, and there’s no guarantee you’ll find a replacement in the same area.

Cons of Renting Out Your Home

Selling your home is a big step, so it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before doing so.
Often the biggest obstacle to overcome when taking off on a long-term trip is your housing situation, especially if you own your home. While you may feel tied down to your dwellings, that doesn’t mean you’re stuck. You’ll just need to get a little more creative with your travel plans.

Keeping Your Home Without Renting

The biggest positive of keeping your home is you’ll have a place to come back to if your trip ends earlier than planned. Since you’ll have no tenets, you don’t have to arrive at a specific time or kick them out to get your house back. Plus, you won’t have strangers in your home.

Pros of Keeping Your Home

However, you don’t have to give up your valuables before going on your trip. For example, you can find a lot of cheap storage units in San Antonio, Texas, and other cities across America that will store most of your items in a large temperature-controlled, secured facility.

Cons of Keeping Your Home

Unless you assign someone to check in on your home, you could be a victim of vandalism, break-ins, or robberies. Your house could also break down while you’re away. If you don’t sell, you’ll have to pay all of your bills, which may be detrimental if you aren’t financially capable.

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