If you are looking to incorporate history with a relaxing scenic journey, the Yukon Route Railway offers just the solution. The White Pass Summit route tells a story of discovery and accomplishment and can be experienced at very affordable rates. For 4 per adult and per child, you can embark on a 2.5-hour round trip which will teach you about the history behind the railway, whilst amaze you with its picturesque views.

The USA’s northern and western-most state is Alaska. Alaska is such a unique destination as it inhabits vast spaces of glaciers, mountains, and wildlife. If you are looking for a little outdoor adventure on your next vacation, Alaska is the ideal place for you. This short guide will help you navigate the Last Frontier and get the most out of your stay.
Alaska’s national park Denali spans 6 million acres of the state’s spectacular wilderness. It’s renowned for its valleys, rivers, glaciers, and mountains. The centrepiece of the park is Mount McKinley which stands at 20,320 ft, however is now officially known simply as “Denali” due to controversy over modern explorers dubbing it the former. Denali National Park does not lay far from Anchorage so is the perfect spot for numerous tourists to experience the natural beauty and encounter wolves, bears, elk, and reindeer. Before embarking on your trip inside the park, it is recommended to stop by the Visitors centre, which will equip you with the knowledge on what to expect, and learn about the park’s history.
Dog sledding in Alaska is season-round activity, so you can get involved in this iconic sport whenever you choose to visit. The activity occurs on glaciers so you can kill two birds with one stone by incorporating the popular sightseeing activity with a thrilling sledge ride. Sledgers often marvel at the sheer strength of the dogs which take you on the ride. The experience is also a great one for the mental health – you can get to know the dogs throughout and unwind with them afterwards.
Tracy Arm Fjord
Whatever you wish to get out of Alaska, it is there for you to discover and treasure.
Northern Lights
Dog sledding
Boating trips are an essential part of an Alaskan vacation. By travelling via boat, you can experience unmissable parts of the region which are inaccessible by land. A popular destination for boat tours is Tracy Arm Fjord. Tourists will be awestruck by the glacier bordered fjord which spans 27 miles and exhibits beautiful waterfalls, unspoiled scenery, and rare wildlife. If you do anything in Alaska, make Tracy Arm Fjord your priority.
The great outdoors is not the only aspect of Alaska. If you are looking to exercise your brain and delve into the region’s history, the University of Alaska Museum of the North (UAMN) is the place to go. The museum houses over one million historical artefacts which each tell a story about Alaska’s past and the lives of the indigenous people who lived there. If you are concerned about acquainting yourself with the culture and history of your vacation destination, it is highly recommended you give UAMN a visit.
Yukon Route Railway
Visit Anchorage
See the wildlife in Denali National Park
University of Alaska Museum of the North
If you are seeking a highly rewarding challenge and once in a lifetime experience, catching a view of the Northern lights is unrivalled. Experiencing the full potential of the Northern lights in Alaska requires a trip to the city of Fairbanks and requires meticulous planning. If you have your heart set on this sightseeing opportunity, there is a multitude of geographical and scientific information which will ensure you have an unforgettable adventure.
Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city is an all-encompassing spot. The city gives you the best of an outdoor vacation yet equips you with essential home comforts. For those new to adventure-fuelled getaways, Anchorage might be your one stop for experiencing the authentic Alaskan wilderness without becoming overwhelmed. One day you may choose canoeing or sledding, whereas another you may dine in the city’s finest restaurants or attend an art exhibition.

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