Needless to say, wearing trekking shoes is a must. You don’t really want to slip while you’re on top of a cliff! Last but not least, a waterproof jacket would also be useful in case of light or heavier rain which happens from time to time (even in Sardinia).

Unmissable Things To Do In Sardinia When Visiting In Winter/Off Season

Being Sardinian I clearly lived on the Island during the “off-season” and although I get the appeal of visiting during summer to enjoy Sardinia Beautiful beaches, there are so many things to do in  Sardinia in Autumn/winter! 

Villa San Pietro is a  small Sardinian village strategically located between Cagliari and Pula, so you can reach both places easily. It is not too touristy, which is very nice for the ones looking for these “undiscovered” places. The recommended properties, as I like to mention, are the ones below: Just for your reference, the festival used to be called “Cortes Apertas”, which means “open yards”, and comes due to the fact that the historical houses were wide open to show expositions, ancient furniture and much more.

With its strategic central location in Sardinia, Gesturi is a great town to stay and explore the countryside of the beautiful island. Here below are some of the greatest places to sleep in Gesturi:
Check out this video to get an idea of what you can experience during the Autunno in Barbagia Event. This one is from 2016 in Orgosolo but the other villages involved in this event are equally fascinating to visit!

What Do Most Of The Murals Represent?

Oristano has much to offer, and with its many shopping streets, popular bars and restaurants, it has nothing to envy to other Sardinian cities. There are quite a few hotels in the area, but I like these 2 in particular:

Although already mentioned above, it is worth giving a couple more hotels to stay in Oristano. In fact, it is one of the most ideal cities to stay in the area. On top of the 2 recommended ones above, I’ll offer 2 more suggestions here below:

Bosa Murals

Moreover, the good side about visiting the nature is that, most of the time, there is no entrance fee, or it’s very little. Therefore, you can have a fantastic time enjoying the lovely winter sun in Sardinia!





Of course, Carnival is very popular all over Sardinia and Italy, but Sa Sartiglia is a unique and joyful event in Oristano that has nothing comparable to its bigger brother. Sa Sartiglia is a 3-day feast, that usually takes place in February or March. It unites all the citizen and includes a medieval joust, the famous horse racing, and also an incredible acrobatic riding. There will be a constant drumbeat accompanying the costumed men, women and horses while they race down the street at an incredible speed. Many tourists book their vacation in accordance the dates of this must-see event, and it is therefore advisable to plan everything in advance, at least 2 to 3 months in advance.



Guided Canyon Trekking

During the Carnival in Mamoiada, the two masks parade through the city: the Mamuthones are divided into two parallel rows of six people, while the eight Issohadores “guide” the Mamuthones the whole time. It is a show worth coming to the region for, as it is one of the most memorable and most authentical festivals.
In this article I will list the coolest things you can do and see in Sardinia during Winter, autumn and early spring, from hiking (with incredible views over the sea) to road tripping the typical villages, participating in great festivals and much more! Sardinia is for EVERY TOURIST IN EVERY SEASON! Are you not convinced? You are missing out big time 😉

Su Gologone

You can, of course, book a tour and go with a local to get to know the area better. I always try to recommend booking a tour as you’ll get a deep insight of what locals think and do.