In the future, CGI content may become so realistic that people can be fooled by it. When that happens, entertainment and content of all types will be virtually indistinguishable from real life. Currently, sites like SexLikeReal are experimenting with VR and CGI characters, so we’re excited to see where this technology goes. 
For years, CGI wasn’t very good at rendering realistic approximations of actual people. However, with digital mapping, it’s much easier to put an actor’s face on a CGI body. While the results aren’t necessarily lifelike (we still have a long way to go before that happens), they’re much closer to reality than in years past. 
CGI and Digital Mapping – The Future of Immersive Content
This technology has advantages and ramifications for both porn and media. For example, DeepFakes uses famous actresses’ faces and puts them on pornstar’s bodies. While it’s currently pretty easy to tell what’s fake and what isn’t, that won’t always be the case. 
CGI characters are a dime a dozen in mainstream media. However, adult content is using this technology more as well. There is an increasing demand for this kind of explicit entertainment, especially because viewers want to see their favorite animated characters get it on. 
Ten years later, Disney and Pixar released the first full CGI animated film Toy Story. This landmark feature would usher in a wave of computer animation that continues today. While the first film used toys to help hide the limitations of computers at the time, modern movies can render lifelike textures and environments seamlessly. So, films like Avatar feel immersive and real, while being nothing but a bunch of actors in front of green screens. 
Fortunately, advances in technology make adult content even more engaging and realistic. There are some real tangible benefits of CGI porn, such as: 

Although CGI feels distinctly modern, the first instance of it being used was in 1958 with the film Vertigo. Alfred Hitchcock used early computers to create animation cels, which were inserted into the movie. 
But, as computer-generated imagery becomes more lifelike, can it successfully recreate the real world? And, if that’s possible, what are the implications? Because CGI is such an integral part of modern media, we’re going to look at its origins and what it could mean for entertainment in the future. We’ll pay attention to mainstream content and adult entertainment, such as CGI VR  porn. So, boot up your computers; we’re about to go on a journey. 

  • Epic Fantasies – It’s much easier to show characters having sex in different locations and scenarios when everything exists digitally. Studios don’t have to build expensive sets or put their stars in heavy makeup and prosthetics. 
  • Boundary-Pushing Content – Porn is all about pushing boundaries and discovering what fetishes and fantasies people prefer. With CGI characters, scenes that would be taboo or illegal with real actors are now possible. While some content is still off-limits (i.e., rape), CGI scenes have much greater flexibility. 
  • Perfect Proportions – Many viewers want to see pornstars with massive breasts, a tight waist, and a big ass. While it’s technically possible for real women to achieve these features, it usually requires plastic surgery and a lot of work. With CGI, it’s never been easier for the perfectly shaped person to exist. 

These days, it’s hard to watch anything without some sort of computer-generated imagery involved. It seems like every movie and TV show uses CGI, making it hard to believe what mainstream media was like before computers were added to the mix. 
A Brief History of CGI in Media
When it comes to CGI characters, it took a few decades before computers could render anything that complex. In 1985, the first complete character came to life in the movie Young Sherlock Holmes. To make it easier to render, the character was made of stained glass instead of flesh and blood. 
CGI and Adult Entertainment

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