The first tunnel was dug in December 1961 and the last one in 1985, four years before the borders were opened. Of course, some attempts had devastating consequences, when uncovered by the East German secret police (Stasi), but others were successful. The determination resulting in the same people risking their lives to dig another tunnel in a different location months later to help others.

Berlin underground tours are an alternative way to understand the city’s complex history, where you can view war bunkers and escape tunnels in what are now disused metro stations. With Berlin known for its alternative scene and unravelling of a dark past, this is a different way of seeing it. 
Many thanks to the Berlin Underworlds Association for allowing me the opportunity to attend one of their tours.
© Berliner Unterwelten e.V. / Holger Happel

A staircase leading to a dark basement area as part of underground Berlin used during war time.
However, when escaping this way, someone had to be the ‘lid man’ with the promise of being able to go down into the hole another time. In the room underground was a manhole cover, the same as the ones you see in the city today and what would have been in use back then. The lights were turned out as if to create the atmosphere of nighttime escape and two strong guys were asked to carefully and quietly lift the heavy lid.

What Berlin Underground Tours Can You Go On?

However, when escaping this way, someone had to be the ‘lid man’ with the promise of being able to go down into the hole another time. In the room underground was a manhole cover, the same as the ones you see in the city today and what would have been in use back then. The lights were turned out as if to create the atmosphere of nighttime escape and two strong guys were asked to carefully and quietly lift the heavy lid.

Where Does the Berlin Underground Tour Begin?

However, when escaping this way, someone had to be the ‘lid man’ with the promise of being able to go down into the hole another time. In the room underground was a manhole cover, the same as the ones you see in the city today and what would have been in use back then. The lights were turned out as if to create the atmosphere of nighttime escape and two strong guys were asked to carefully and quietly lift the heavy lid.

Escaping Via the East Berlin U-Bahn Underground Stations

However, when escaping this way, someone had to be the ‘lid man’ with the promise of being able to go down into the hole another time. In the room underground was a manhole cover, the same as the ones you see in the city today and what would have been in use back then. The lights were turned out as if to create the atmosphere of nighttime escape and two strong guys were asked to carefully and quietly lift the heavy lid.

Beneath Berlin – Understanding History 

There are currently four underground Berlin tours available:
– The Exhibition, “Myth of Germania” is €6
– Tour 1, 2 and 3 are €13 
Not only do you get to grips with the city’s history, but you get to learn about it from a truly interesting perspective and to understand a complex time in modern history in that way is priceless. 
No problem at all, but putting it back? A disastrous mixture of the wrong balance, uneven weight and constant clanging noise. Back then, they would have been caught instantly and killed. It puts into perspective how difficult these escapes were with the Stasi on the lookout right around every corner.