Keep reading the article below to learn what steps you should take to get started on this journey. 
But what if you want to add an extra week to your trip? Or a month? 
It’s more common than you think, and it’s totally doable. Due to the rise of remote working, it’s becoming more common for people to spend life on the go and enjoy some serious long-term travel. 
Some countries, like most of the European Union, don’t need special visa documents if you have an American passport. On the other hand, if you’re planning on visiting countries like China, Russia, or Vietnam, you will need to obtain a travel visa before your trip. 
If you own a home, you may consider renting it out or having someone you trust live there (and pay the bills) in your absence. Paying rent or your mortgage isn’t necessary, so getting your home situated before you leave is one of the most important steps you can take. 

1. Sell or Rent Your Home 

Whether you live in an apartment or own your own home, you’ll need to figure out what to do with your place while you’re traveling. For example, will you continue to pay rent or a mortgage even though you won’t be at home? Or is your desire to travel leading you to consider moving completely?
Look for one that offers reduced international transaction fees or one that offers cashback on flights, hotels, etc. Many cards will also allow you to use select airport lounges, which can make a world of difference if you find yourself in an airport every few weeks or so. 
While many banks offer debit cards that work in other countries, each institution has its own rules and regulations. It’s best to check with your bank before you leave, but doing some research on a great credit card is also recommended. Not only will the increased credit provide you with some emergency funds, but many credit cards are designed with travel in mind. 

2. Invest in Sturdy Luggage 

Before embarking on a long-haul journey, make sure to pay attention to any travel documents you may need, look for a travel-friendly credit card, invest in some good luggage, and figure out what to do with your home while you’re away. You’ll have a much less stressful experience and feel less tempted to come back home early by following these main steps. 
Even if you have a job or a home, you can still find ways to explore the world and turn a brief vacation into an extended stay. You just need a little planning ahead of time.

3. Pay Attention to Visas and Travel Documents 

You’ll be relying on your luggage while you travel, so you need to make sure you can trust the brand you choose. It’s no fun getting to your destination only to find that your backpack has a tear or that you need to replace a wheel on your suitcase. This only adds to the expense of travel and can leave you behind schedule. 
Luggage quality is essential if you want to avoid a checked back and only use a carry-on; this bag will travel with you everywhere, so it needs to be very durable. 

4. Look for a Credit Card with Perks 

With this being said, this is more complicated than simply taking off for a week or two, and as a result, you’ll need to do some additional planning. 
Depending on what country your passport was issued in, you’ll need to pay attention to the entry requirements of each country you visit. 

Final Thoughts

If you rent an apartment, it might be easier to simply end your lease and use a company specializing in local moving in Austin, TX, New York, Los Angeles, etc., to store your belongings. 
Most of us know how to prepare before a regular vacation. We’re used to notifying our employers, hiring someone to look after our pets, and cleaning out our refrigerators before taking a typical week-long vacation. 

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