The hike up to Howard Peak is along another dirt road. It is a little steep and has some loose rock at the end.

Mary Downen’s Cabin

Eventually, you will reach a bend to go left to Howard Peak and right to Wright Peak. I went to Howard Peak first.
Here the trail goes into a surreal grove of Maul Oak Trees. These trees are massive, and it feels like you are in Harry Potter or something.

To get to the trailhead, I recommend grabbing the directions directly from AllTrails or making your way up to Mt Konocti County Park. There is a parking area right near the end of the dirt road that begins the trail up the mountain.
After relaxing, I made my way back down to the trailhead on the dirt road that I came up. This is a great hike and one that I really enjoyed, even if it isn’t as rugged as what I am used to. Let me know if you have done it in the comments!
I explored for a while before finding a rock to sit and relax at. It is pretty amazing to have a hike like this close to the city and with such great views.

Read more about Mary Downen here, as she sounds like an amazing woman.
This is where the views get really impressive, looking east out over the valley.

Plane Crash
The trail to the two main peaks, Wright and Howard, is basically just walking a dirt road the entire way. It is boring in the beginning, but it gets pretty great at the end.
Getting There
There are markers every half mile or so that tell you how far you are from the summit.

Right as you get near the summit, look to the right, and you will see an information plaque about a plane crash and the actual remains of what’s left of the plane.
It is right near the metal gate that stops you from driving further, and there is a bathroom there as well. There was only one car in the parking lot when I went.

As you walk up the road, you will be in and out of the shade, and during breaks in the trees, you will start to see views out towards the lake.

The road then connects with an area of private property that you need to cross. There is a trail that has been approved to cross the property, so please make sure to stay on it when in this section.
Wright Peak

The summit has great views in all directions and was well worth the effort. On a clear day, you can see all the way to Mt Shasta, the sign says. 

As you leave on this trail, you will be in the shade for a little while but will still be walking the main dirt road. This is where the trail gets unique and historic; I would recommend having an AllTrails download, so you don’t miss it.
This old cabin was constructed in the early 1900s, and it is still in pretty good shape, all things considered. It is enjoyable to see it on this trail.

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